Dorwest MD Jo Boughton-White joined Sarah Baxter founder of Twilight Bark in our first Facebook Live of 2022 yesterday to answer all of your winter pet health queries.
We talked about all things to do with “winter dog essentials”, from joint problems to cracked paws.
“In these colder months perhaps things show that you wouldn’t have noticed at other times in the year, like with joint issues, but there’s also cracked paws and even central heating can cause an upset to dog’s skin, so there’s loads of different questions that come about in Winter.”
Jo Boughton-White, MD
Don’t forget to contact one of the team with any of your questions today, and follow us on social for the next Live!
Tel. 01308 897272
If you missed the video, why not watch it now? Answers to every question are below.
Live Q&As:
Q. I’ve always used Glucosamine for our older dogs, but I have a little rescue who will be 3 in February. Would adding the supplement benefit him now especially as he’s doing a lot more exercise coming from a home where he did none.
A. The Glucosamine and Chondroitin Tablets can be beneficial for all ages. It is ideal for those that have an active lifestyle and may need some extra joint support to keep up with activity levels. The active ingredients can help to protect cartilage and support synovial fluid production which are key elements for maintaining joint flexibility and mobility.
Q. Would Keepers Mix stop Breeze from craving sticky weed?
A. Keeper’s Mix contains Clivers (or Sticky Weed) so can help to provide the nutrients that they may be craving when grazing on the plant. This type of behaviour can sometimes be habitual so it may not completely stop, but the Keeper’s Mix should help to top up vitamin and mineral levels.
Q. I have a ten and half year old Beagle who is starting to slow down a little. Is there anything I can give her long term to help with her mobility and long term health? I also have an 8 year old Beagle, could I give them both the same supplements ?
A. The Glucosamine and Chondroitin Tablets would be beneficial for supporting the joints of both dogs, your older girl show is starting to slow down and your younger Beagle who may benefit from starting joint support now to help keep them active and joints flexible. The Keeper’s Mix is also a great supplement to give dogs of all ages. This should give your older dog a bit of a boost and all-round support, whilst also helping to act as a Vitamin and mineral top-up and general health supplement for your younger Beagle.
Q. I have a show gundog, qualified for Crufts, she can be very nervous and shaking. What can I do/give her to relax her please ???
A. If she is nervous on a day-to-day basis, then we would recommend the Scullcap and Valerian Tablets as they help to naturally dial-down anxiety and support calming pathways. These can be used long term if needed.
However if she is just nervous in particular situations, you may find the Valerian Compound more beneficial. This starts to work in 30 minutes and lasts for a couple of hours so is ideal for specific situations that cause anxiety. You can give this up to twice in 24 hours so it can be topped up if needed. A combination of both products can be used if needed.
Q. Hi ladies... I have a 7 year old whippet... He's currently on glucosamine and Chondroitin Do you think a salmon oil or cod liver oil would be beneficial? Thanks 😊
A. Our Cod Liver Oil Capsules can be used alongside the Glucosamine and Chondroitin Tablets if needed and can help to provide Omega 3 fatty acids that support joint mobility. Cod Liver Oil Capsules can also provide Vitamin D which is associated with supporting bone strength. These would offer a different aspect to joint support alongside the Glucosamine and Chondroitin Tablets.
Q. Anything for sporting or working dogs that need an energy boost or keep energy levels high during the working season or a competition?
A. Damiana and Kola Tablets can help to give a boost to working and performance dogs. They help to support alertness, vitality and stamina, so can act as a ‘pick me up’ for those with lower energy levels or that need an extra boost during competition or working seasons.
Q. Any joint supplements for young dogs?
A. The Cod Liver Oil Capsules can be a good supplement to start with. It helps to provide Omega 3 fatty acids that support joint mobility, but is also rich in Vitamin D which is needed to support strong bones and calcium absorption. This makes them beneficial for growing bones and joints as well as for adult dogs that need some extra support.
If they are particularly active or are a breed that is predisposed to joint problems, the Glucosamine and Chondroitin Tablets can help to provide support for joint mobility and flexibility, protect cartilage and promote synovial fluid production and can benefit all ages.
Q. Any help for possible nausea for 10month dog during car travel, approx 25kg, many thanks
A. If the nausea is due to the motion of the car, we would recommend the Digestive Tablets. These help to settle uncomfortable tummies, support the digestion, and calm the digestive tract. You give 1-2 tablets per 10kg bodyweight per day, around 1 hour before travelling.
Q. My friends dog has a fractured shoulder bone 😞 what would recommend to help the healing ?
A. Some people find using Symphytum 15C helpful. It contains Comfrey, also known as Knitbone, which can help to support injuries.
Giving the Glucosamine and Chondroitin Tablets may also help to support the joints as they may be under strain due to changes in gait and comfort from the injury. And all-round general health supplement such as Keeper’s Mix may also help to top-up vitamins and minerals that may support the healing process.
Q. Hi 👋. Do you have any plans to do a probiotic?
A. We do not have any plans for developing a probiotic at the moment, however we make a note of all our customer suggestions for products for future reference.
Q. What do I give a female to help her fertility?
A. Wheatgerm Oil are recommended for supporting the reproductive system and can help to maintain fertility. It comes in a capsule or liquid version (liquid is ideal for dogs less than 10kg bodyweight and those that struggle with capsules). We recommend starting this at least 1 week prior to mating but you can start earlier if preferred.
Q. What can you suggest for an almost 15 year old female who's happy out with her bit of doggy dementia going on? She was ill with meningoencephaliris (meningitis) 5 years ago, she recovered but had a bit of a relapse 2 months ago but doing OK again. But has a slight weakness on her left side. She loves her walks and can do a few km a day if I let her! I find winter affects her a bit more, mentally and physically. She's slower to get going, obviously so with age. So just looking for advise of what'd be good to give her. Thanks!
A. If she struggles with anxiety due to her doggy dementia, we would recommend the Scullcap and Valerian Tablets. These help to naturally dial-down anxiety and can help to support calming pathways within the nervous system.
The Keeper’s Mix may be a good product for her as it will help to provide a wide range of vitamins and minerals and help to give her a bit of an all-round boost during winter months (or all year round if preferred).
The Glucosamine and Chondroitin Tablets may also be helpful if she is showing signs of stiffness in her joints.
Due to her health conditions, we would recommend consulting your veterinary professional before starting her on these products.
Q. Why does nose pigment lighten during winter. Occasional spotting on nose.
A. A drop in pigmentation may occur in the nose during winter nose and is often considered to be due to a shortage of minerals such as iron and iodine. The Elderberry and Nettle Extract can help to boost levels of these minerals and support pigmentation. Once the pigment has been restored, you could use the Kelp Seaweed Powder to help maintain the pigmentation (this could be used over colder months if the pigmentation loss is a recurring problem).
Q. I’ve got a rescue girl who has been spayed but every 6 months she’s still bleeding , is there anything I can give her to help her ??
A. Unfortunately, we would be unable to advise on a product that may help with this.
If you have not done so already, we would recommend seeking the advice of your veterinary professional.
Q. Our 9mth old GR is dropping his coat, seems to be more than just loosing puppy coat and filling the hoover twice a day, any suggestions?
A. We do not have anything that will stop heavy moults, however the Omega Star may be helpful in supporting the skin and coat following a heavy moult and helps to support coat quality and condition.
The Keeper’s Mix may also be beneficial as it helps to supply a wide-range of vitamins and minerals which can help to support all-round health and coat growth and condition.
Get support and advice from herbal pet care experts
If your dog needs a little more support and would benefit from trying some of our dog supplements, take a look at what we have available online. Our team are experts in herbal pet care and are more than happy to help. Contact us on +44 (0) 1308 897 272. Alternatively, email us at info@dorwest.com or fill out our online contact form.