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Introducing the Advisor's Blog!

Introducing the Advisor's Blog!

Jo Boughton-White |

Hello everyone! Gemma_profile I’m Gemma your Product Advisor, and if you have phoned Dorwest over the last two years you have more than likely spoken to me regarding advice on your pets and the use of our products or to place an order. In the future via my blog I hope to share with you tips and advice regarding issues and concerns that I am regularly asked by customers. This will involve all sorts of things such as chronic problems, seasonal issues and when and how to use our products, together with customer feedback. Whatever is topical I’ll be sharing with you in the hope that we can help even more pets - naturally. We are a friendly bunch here at Dorwest, so if you would like any advice then please give me a call, send an email, or connect with me on Facebook and Twitter, and I’ll be on hand to advise and discuss your options. I hope to speak to you soon, Gemma.