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How to create a canine dental care routine

How to create a canine dental care routine

Sarah Baxter |

Like humans, dogs can experience common issues with their dental hygiene if their teeth and gums are not regularly maintained. Left untreated, dogs dental hygiene issues can be both painful for your dog and expensive for you. The good news is there are a number of small, consistent canine dental care actions you can take to help your dog with their dental hygiene. Here, we share are our top tips to help you create a canine dental care routine for your dog so you can help keep their dental care in tip-top shape…

Common Dog Dental Health & Hygiene Issues

  • PLAQUE & TARTAR: If you've seen inside your dog’s mouth, you may have seen what appears to be brown staining on their teeth. This is, in fact, likely to be a build-up of plaque & tartar. By removing plaque from your dog’s teeth, you can prevent gum disease which leads to gingivitis.
  • BAD BREATH (GINGIVITIS): This is probably the most well-known dental issue with dogs. Many of us have been on the receiving end of our dog’s smelly breath. Sometimes this is caused by little 'treats' they've decided to chew during walkies but chronic bad breath can be a sign of other issues which need investigating, such as gingivitis, which is caused by gum disease.
  • BREED: Some dogs are more prone to canine dental issues than others due to their breed. This is often due to the shape of their face, such as sighthounds or flat-faced breeds. For example, teeth overcrowding can lead to a build-up of food which can lead to gum disease. That being said, dogs of the same breed, in the same household, with the same diet etc may have completely different dental hygiene issues. If your dog is a breed prone to dental issues, it means you might have to work a little harder to maintain a regular dental care routine for your dog. It can be done though.
  • MOUTH INJURIES: These are caused by foreign bodies such as stones which could crack teeth or sticks which could cut the inside of your dog’s mouth. If left untreated, this can lead to infection. Perhaps bringing your dog’s own toys such as tennis balls on walkies may help deter them from picking up things which may cause them harm and prevent any dental issues.

How to create a canine dental care routine

So, how you do help to improve your dog’s dental health? Creating a regular canine dental care routine for your dog can certainly help. Find our top tips below to help you create such a routine for healthy dog teeth.

Introducing your dog to regular teeth checks and cleaning* as early as possible is highly recommended. This will help you monitor the condition of your dog’s teeth and gums and help maintain them too. Even if you have an older dog, there's still an opportunity to create a canine dental care routine.

When starting anything new, such as teeth checking and cleaning, do so gradually and make the experience fun for your dog. We may have just the thing to help make the experience more appealing for your four-legged friend; our roast dinner toothpaste! This could be a great way to tempt your dog to try teeth brushing. Our natural toothpaste for dogs not only tastes good, it also helps reduce the build-up of any dental plaque, which can often lead to tartar and gum disease. It contains sage oil which is an anti-oxidant and has more than a dozen antiseptic compounds; a great way to help keep those gums healthy.

There is an array of different tooth brushes available from those similar to our own human ones, to special rubber fingers brushes, which may make access easier and less daunting for your dog. The key is to make the experience as positive as possible, so be patient and take time to build-up to teeth cleaning.

If you want some additional help tackling the odours associated with bad breath, our Neutradog Tablets can be a perfect way to help neutralise some of these smells! It contains chlorophyllin, parsley, seaweed and mint which all work together to help keep those smells at bay.

Our Garlic and Fenugreek Tablets For Dogs contain active compounds that are proven to help the body remain strong against disease, parasites and infectious agents in a variety of ways, such as gingivitis. When combined, these two superherbs complement each other, boosting their overall effects.

*Always ensure you use special dog toothpastes, not human products, which can be toxic.

Providing your dog with an opportunity to chew regularly can be a great contributor to healthy teeth and gums. Natural chews such as antlers, raw chicken wings or yak milk chews can help to naturally clean their teeth by removing any loose plaque. Specific dental chews to reduce your dog’s plaque are also available.

When selecting a chew for your dog, consider your dog’s size and always ensure you are monitoring your dog. This will help to avoid any potential choking hazards. It’s worth noting, some dental chews can contain a number of calories. Keep a close eye on your dog’s weight and act accordingly if you notice their weight creeping up.

Another way to minimise plaque is by using our Fragaria 3C. These work by softening tartar which makes it easier to remove from encrusted teeth. It also helps to slow down and prevent the formation of new plaque deposits too. These tablets are very small, making them easy to swallow for your dog. Take a peek at some of our reviews to read the experiences of other dog owners.

Diet can also play a role in your dog’s dental hygiene. Ensuring part of their diet requires chewing can be beneficial to maintain their gleaming teeth. The reason for this? Some foods which require a little more chewing than others can help to gently remove plaque, without your dog even realising.

When combined, the above can all work really well together to help keep your dog’s dental hygiene in peak condition. It's worth noting there is one thing which is needed to make them all work though: consistency. Doing all of the above regularly and maintaining a canine dental care routine gives your dog the best chance of having a happy mouth.

The time for dental work

Sometimes despite all your efforts, it may be necessary for your dog to have some additional professional help. This can take a form of a thorough dental assessment and deep clean under anaesthetic. This is a great incentive to keep on top of your dog’s dental health to help you minimise this possibility. If you're ever concerned about your dog’s dental hygiene or note any changes, always consult your veterinary professional.

Ready to create a regular canine dental care regime for your dog?

So, there you have it! 4 key steps to try to help your dog keep plaque, tartar and gum disease at bay. Are you ready to a create a regular canine dental care routine for your dog? Check out the video below to watch Jo and her whippet Betsy show you how you can introduce tooth brushing into your routine...

For more information on Dorwest Herbs natural dog toothpaste or any of our herbal supplements for dogs, get in touch with one of our experienced advisors. Call us today on 01308 897272 or use our contact form

Please remember, you should always consult a vet if you are concerned about your pet’s health.