Here at Dorwest, we always want you and your four-legged friends to have the best time together! So, we're sharing our 4 summer safety tips for dogs to help make this happen. As pet parents, many of us jump for joy when winter finally leaves; no more dark evenings and soggy dogs caked in mud to clean after walkies. Hurrah! This sounds great but there can be some other factors to consider during the warmer months too. Our roundup below aims to help you to plan ahead, stay safe, and have a fab summer together...

Whilst an abundance of luscious flora and fauna popping up around us are welcome sights during summer walkies, they can harbour a few mini beasts. These might not be so welcoming to your dog! Fleas and ticks particularly love long grass and woodlands. This is because they provide the perfect spot for them to leap onto your dog’s fur as they run past. Luckily, there are a number of things you can do:
At the end of each walk, ensure a little tick isn't roaming around, ready to set up camp amongst the fur. Spend time around your dog's neck, ears, head, and paws as this is where they usually like to attach or hide. If you find one that has already attached itself, don't panic. It will need complete removal (either by yourself or a professional) as they can pass on infections and cause diseases, like Lyme disease. A specialist tick remover tool can assist with the process.
Try to minimise your walkies in long grass, woodlands, or areas with an abundance of wildlife or livestock. All of which are places ticks and fleas love to thrive.
There are plenty of treatments available on the market to help prevent ticks and fleas. We can help in a different way too! After all, herbal remedies for dogs is what we specialize in. If you bathe your dog at home as part of their routine, then try our natural Clean & Fresh Dog Shampoo. It contains black peppermint essential oil, which is known to deter parasites. Not only does this dog shampoo help your dog smell great but the parasites might be less keen to take a ride on your dog when they next brush past.

As well as ticks and fleas, summertime brings an abundance of other creepy crawlies. Insect bites and wasp stings are common during this time of year. As they can provide discomfort both short and long term, we're including them in our roundup of summer safety tips for dogs. This is what you can do to help:
You might not immediately know if your dog has been bitten or stung. Some tell-tale signs to look for include, unusual behaviour, swelling, or excessive licking. Some insect interactions can even lead to allergic reactions. As allergic reactions can cause difficulty with breathing, it’s always good to keep an eye out.
Bites and stings can be just as painful for dogs as for humans. Initially, soothing the area with a cold compress can provide welcomed relief. If it’s a bee sting, check if a sting has been left behind too. Once you've helped to soothe them short term, you might want to consider consulting a veterinary professional. Your dog may need some additional assistance or even medication. This is extremely important if a bite or sting is near their mouth or throat, which could compromise their airway.
Some bites can become inflamed if scratched or licked excessively. This can then lead to what is known as a "hot spot" or acute moist dermatitis. Unfortunately for your dog, these can be very sore and smelly. Always consult your vet for treatment options to help ensure it doesn't continue to develop. In the short term, try to prevent your dog from licking their hot spot as soon as possible.
You can also use herbal remedies for dogs to help relieve their irritation. Our Easy-Green Powder dog supplement is great for supporting all-around health and soothing hot and itchy skin. Ingredients include powdered Spinach, Parsley and Watercress which contains natural cooling properties. which can benefit hot and itchy skin too. Adding this dog supplement to their diet can help cool hotspots from the inside, out.

This is one of the most important summer safety tips for dogs as they can overheat very quickly. This is because dogs can't sweat in the same way we do, so this can lead to heatstroke. Signs include excessive panting and salivation, drowsiness, bowel movement changes and lack of coordination. Always speak to your vet if you think your dog might have heatstroke.
There are a range of things you can do to prevent heatstroke from occurring:
Try shorter walks at the coolest part of the day, such as the early morning or later in the evening. Don't forget, the easiest Consider other ways to entertain your dog too e.g brain games so they can conserve their energy and keep cool.
Even when walking at the coolest part of the day, your dog can still feel the glare of the sun. We recommend walking in shaded areas vs direct sunlight. Walking on pavements is another area you should also avoid too. These can become very hot during the course of the day, causing sore or burnt paws. Our Paw and Nose Balm is a perfect addition to cracked, dry paws. The natural ingredients help soften and soothe paws which often become dry during the summer months.
Even if a window is left ajar, cars can get very hot, very quickly. If you need to stop somewhere during a car journey, no matter how fast you'll be, always leave your dog at home. A hot car is not a place for a dog, plus there is an increased risk someone could try to steal them.
Ensure your dog is always kept hydrated, particularly throughout the summer. Fresh, clean water is essential for any dog. Make sure it's changed daily and is accessible at all times. You’ll also want to take a portable water-container during walkies too. As well as drinking water, a wet towel for your dog to lie on in the shade in the garden can help keep your dog cool. Plus a paddling pool in the shade can be lots of fun and provide an opportunity for your dog to feel cooler.

Does your dog seem to be scratching more during the summer months? If so, they might have some summer allergies. This is why we've included it within our roundup of summer safety tips for dogs. Skin and coat changes are often the main clue. For example, excessive dandruff, sore skin, and increased licking of paws.
There are different ways in which you can tackle summer allergies though. These include changing their bedding, checking the pollen count before going for a walk, and using natural remedies for dog allergies. Our Garlic & Fenugreek dog supplement and Green Releaf tablets are some of our best herbal remedies for dogs with summer allergies. Due to their natural properties, these are often used together to nourish and relieve the skin from the inside out. Especially at this time of year, natural remedies for dog allergies like this can be very beneficial.
We hope you now feel ready to embrace the warmer weather and have the best summer with your dog. But what are your plans? We'd love to hear all about them and how you're going to use our summer safety tips for dogs too! Feel free to leave your thoughts or any questions below in our comments section. Whether you need advice on natural remedies for dog allergies, or how to reduce irritations from bites, contact us.
At Dorwest Herbs, we provide a range of herbal products for dogs for all types of conditions. From paw and nose balm to dog shampoo, our products are always natural. Some of our range of dog supplements are also suitable for cats too! To find out more about how our herbal remedies for dogs can help your pet, call +44 (0) 1308 897 272. You can also send your enquiries to info@dorwest.com.