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Whelping Problems & Kittening Issues

Unexpected difficulties can occur during gestation or delivery and veterinary assistance should be sought if there is any doubt or concern.

Wheatgerm Oil Capsules or Wheatgerm Oil Liquid should be given from one week before mating until three weeks afterwards as it is a natural source of Vitamin E which helps maintain fertility and assists in preventing abortion or absorption.

Give double the quantity to males and females the day before and the actual day of mating to provide an extra boost of Vitamin E.

For all bitches and queens, but especially those who have previously experienced normal but prolonged or unduly extended labour, giving Raspberry Leaf Tablets from the third week after mating until one week after delivery will support the reproductive system, aid the birth process and by continuing the recommended administration for the week after delivery help ensure complete evacuation of the placentas.

Many owners and breeders have reported normal easy births having taken place following the use of this traditional birth remedy and many give it to all their pregnant females as a matter of course. Many people find homoeopathic remedies useful at this time, Caulophyllum 30C during delivery and if needed Urtica Urens 30C to encourage milk production.

Don’t forget you can contact Dorwest on 01308 897272 for advice about using our products.