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BrainCopa® results seen for Anna Webb’s English Toy Terrier, Mr Binks!

BrainCopa® results seen for Anna Webb’s English Toy Terrier, Mr Binks!

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Regular BBC broadcaster and host of the award-nominated podcast ‘A DOG’S LIFE’ Anna Webb lives in London with Miniature Bull Terrier Prudence, and Mr Binks, a re-homed English Toy Terrier. As a Canine Nutrition and Behaviour Expert, Anna combines her psychology degree with study at the College of Integrated Veterinary Therapies (CIVT) and over 20 years’ experience.

Anna has been using BrainCopa® Tablets for Mr Binks since August and is delighted with results seen so far: “I’m thrilled to report that Mr Binks, my re-homed English Toy Terrier, has really benefitted from taking Dorwest’s new BrainCopa®.

“He’s almost 12 years old and arrived aged two very unconfident with some health issues from his Legg Calves Perthes disease. With a decade of the best nutrition, lots of training and desensitisation, Mr Binks, whilst understated, takes any situation in his stride.

“I recommend working through your dog’s life stages combining diet, supplements, training and enrichment to get the best out of your dog physically, emotionally and mentally. After taking BrainCopa® for two weeks, it was subtle, but I noticed Mr Binks was a little brighter, a little more eager than usual. He was a bit quicker and more dexterous with an interactive toy. He’d become a little cheekier and playful, which is absolutely fantastic.

“I’m a great believer in the power of herbs like Bacopa, the Aruyvedic ‘brain-tonic’, which combines in BrainCopa® with a rich source of DHA that I think is boosting and adding to Mr Binks’ existing lifestyle with positive effect.”

Learn more about BrainCopa® at

For more information about Anna Webb, head over to her website at